NexStar Cranes with Lower Flow


HC-10, HC-12s and HC-12 NexStar Cranes

HC10-1019-nnnn and later
HC12S-0419-nnnn and later
HC12-0419-nnnn and later

Auto Crane is actively working to reduce the flow on the larger NexStar hydraulic cranes in order to better perform with lower horsepower engines found on auxiliary power units.

Note: PTO pumps that are over-sized for a reduced flow crane will quickly build excess heat in the hydraulic system.


The HC-10 NexStar cranes hydraulic requirements changed from 15 gpm @ 2,750 psi for full speed, multi-function operation to 10 gpm @ 3,000 psi measured at the crane at the gage port on the side of the valve block.

Hoist PN 123438 changed to PN 123449. Affected cranes can be identified by verifying the PN on the hoist tag.

HC-12s and HC-12

The HC-12s and HC-12 NexStar cranes hydraulic requirements changed from 15 gpm @ 2,750 psi for full speed, multi-function operation to 10 gpm @ 3,000 psi measured at the crane at the gage port on the side of the valve block.

Hoist PN 123435 changed to PN 123449 as shown in Figure 1 – RPH6000 Hoist 123449.

Figure 1 – RPH6000 Hoist 123449

Q: Can I upgrade my higher flow hoist to the new lower flow hoist?
A: Yes, the motor can be replaced.

Order motor PN 458119 from your nearest Auto Crane dealer which can be located using our website.

Note: the PTO speed or pump will need to change to reduce the overall system flow and heat and reach the necessary 3,000 psi at the crane.

For questions or concerns please contact our customer service group at 800.777.2760 or 918.438.2760.

Attachments -

Last Update: September 3, 2019  

September 3, 2019   1325   webmaster    Information Bulletins    
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